
保誠委任 Jennifer Tear 為集團企業事務總監

香港,2022 年 9 月 7 日 — Prudential plc(保誠)宣佈委任 Jennifer Tear 為集團企業事務總監。Tear 女士負責監督集團企業傳訊和政府關係,並向集團執行總裁 Mark FitzPatrick匯報。

Tear 女士在策略性企業內部傳訊、公共關係、公共及政策事務以及危機管理方面均擁有環球經驗。

Mark FitzPatrick 表示:「我們的宗旨是透過提供醫療保健及財務保障,幫助人們活出豐盛人生。為實現這一宗旨,我們需要與不同持份者於我們業務所在的市場合作。

本人欣然歡迎  Tear  女士加入保誠,出任集團企業事務總監。正當我們在亞洲和非洲展開業 務增長的新篇章,她在私營及公共領域方面的豐富經驗將有助保誠與現有持份者加深聯繫,並建立新的合作關係。」

Tear 女士於加入保誠之前,曾在強生集團楊森製藥公司任職,在新加坡擔任亞太區傳訊及公共事務部副總裁。她於 2005 年加入強生集團之前,曾在澳洲及英國的企業和政府機構擔任資深的內部及公共事務顧問職位。


Kho Hui-Yi | 電郵: kho.hui.yi@prudential.com.hk
Jeremy Cheung | 電郵:jeremy.ky.cheung@prudential.com.hk

關於 Prudential plc

Prudential  plc 在亞洲及非洲提供人壽及健康保險以及資產管理產品。保誠透過讓健康及保障更實惠便捷,以及促進金融普惠,幫助人們活出豐盛人生。保誠守護財富並為資產增值,推動人們積極儲備以實現目標。保誠擁有超過1,900 萬名壽險客戶,並於香港聯合交易所(2378)及倫敦證券交易所(PRU)擁有雙重主要上市地位。保誠亦於新加坡證券交易所(K6S)作第二上市及以美國預託證券形式於紐約證券交易所(PUK)上市。保誠亦為恒生綜合指數成份股。

保誠與保德信金融集團(一家主要營業地點位於美國的公司)及The Prudential Assurance Company Limited(M&G plc 的附屬公司,一家於英國註冊成立的公司)均無任何聯屬關係。https://www.prudentialplc.com/zh-hant

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Prudential plc is an international company incorporated in the United Kingdom, and its affiliated companies constitute one of the world’s leading financial services groups. It provides insurance and financial services directly and through its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout the world, and it has been in existence for over 170 years. Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, or the Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc (a company incorporated in the United Kingdom).

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Prudential plc is an international company incorporated in the United Kingdom, and its affiliated companies constitute one of the world’s leading financial services groups. It provides insurance and financial services directly and through its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout the world, and it has been in existence for over 170 years. Prudential plc is not affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose principal place of business is in the United States of America, or the Prudential Assurance Company, a subsidiary of M&G plc (a company incorporated in the United Kingdom).

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